Baseball Promotions
For Teams, Sponsors and Retailers
Event Rebate
Get your fans amped about the season and your sales offer by giving away free merchandise if the home team does something extraordinary, like the home team winning the World Series.
Nine Inning Special
Each inning has its own unique play that results in a lucky contestant walking away a winner. A few of the nine options included: a first inning inside-the-park home run, stealing home in the sixth, and the closer’s challenge of striking out the side in the ninth.
Target Home Run
Use your on-site signage to get extra attention for your brand by deploying Target Home Run. Your business will be top-of-mind all game long as fans watch to see if any deep drive makes contact with your sign producing a winner.
Fan Activations
PrizeKiosk® is a web-based kiosk user experience, that provides fans a chance to instantly win season tickets, team apparel or life changing prizes. Use brand or team ambassadors to engage fans, providing a fun user experience and collecting valuable consumer data and marketing opt-ins.
Reward fans for
coming out to the ballpark!
Grand Slam Inning
SCA’s popular Grand Slam Inning pays out big when a home team player hits a grand slam during a designated inning. There’s nothing quite like a whole stadium of people cheering for each pitch when the bases get loaded.
Hit for the Cycle
When someone on the home team hits for the cycle, one lucky fan wins big!
Increase Season Ticket Sales
Early Bird Opening Day
Incentivize fans to purchase opening day tickets early with a chance to win season tickets for life, if the season opener goes to extra innings, or if a home team player hits for the cycle during the season opener.
Gift With Purchase
For a dramatically discounted rate, offer incentives like Fanatics E-Codes for all season tickets purchases.
Offer season ticket holders the chance to instantly win huge prizes and life-changing experiences using digital engagement by SCA. Website development, gamification, in-app integration and SMS/text message promotions.
Increase The Value of Your Sponsorships
SCA has been trusted by teams and sponsors since our founding nearly 40 years ago.
We increase the value of your sponsorships by adding fan interaction, digital engagement and fantasy gamification to the event. SCA’s promotions have been featured in the largest championships and nationwide media – even have been commented on by the White House. Stand out with SCA today.
Level up your sponsor offerings by adding SCA's services to your stack. SCA Promotions has worked with collegiate and professional teams in every facet, and winners totaling the thousands. Start planning today.
Stand out as a sponsor with SCA. We help your brand connect with fans by adding experiential and gamified components to your event on game day. Start planning today.
Sonic Slam Inning Sweepstakes
Kansas City Royals Fan, Mendy King, is the latest winner of the Sonic Slam Sweepstakes! On June 15, Royals outfielder MJ Melendez hit a grand slam, netting 4 runs and a $25,000 grand prize, paid by SCA.
SCA is the World's Most Trusted
Promotions Partner
We offer a complex suite of services to support your next prize or campaign. Regardless if you want to run a bigger than life sweepstake, insure a million dollar prize or tie in with a national brand or team, SCA has your back.
Offer prizes up to $1,000,000,000 for a low, fixed cost. You get to cheer for your customers, and leave the stress to SCA.
Shape behavior and engage your customers using incentives and promotion.
Engagement and incentivizing using the most current technologies and security standards available.
Complete sweepstakes and promotion administration / fulfillment.
SCA Is a Company You Can Trust